Target students: vocational, university of applied sciences, and university education
EQF level: 5-7
Training duration: total 30 h
9 h class activities
19 h workshop activities and 2h feedback in Ouluzone
Aims and project description
BuildingSMART Finland is a collaboration forum founded by Finnish Property Owners, A/E Consultants, Software Vendors, Construction Companies, and research institutes. The forum aim is to support standard development and utilization information on BIM and support its member companies for implementing BIM-based projects. The Forum has done many years work to develop and implement of Inframodel and other standards to infrastructure building. The many benefits of BIM is the reason why it is nowadays widely used in building as well as infrastructure sector in Finland. Therefore, there are many opportunities available in Finland who has qualification or expertise in BIM, such as BIM manager and BIM coordinator. In Ouluzone workshop close collaboration is done between three different school level i.e. vocational school, university of applied sciences and university, and construction industry to provide the latest know-how. In addition, the teach what are the future challenges and needs in the field of open infraBIM and automation.
Learning outcomes
The students utilize their knowhow about infrastructure construction site and open BIM receiving from lectures organized by the schools before the Ouluzone workshop. The aim of Ouluzone workshop is that the students build a Speedway track with one week job resources. The expected learning outcomes are the students know the current status in open infraBIM in Finland, common infraBIM requirements (YIV2015), Inframodel Data Exchange, InfraBIM Glossary and Terms, and how open infra BIM cloud service i.e. Infrakit is working.
Teaching methods
Lectures for the transfer of theoretical knowledge and practical application through Ouluzone workshop activities.
Target skills
Open infra BIM and automation:
To learn to use open infra BIM tool (Infrakit) as a common data base, data management, data sharing and collaboration between the experts in the Speedway construction site
Manage Common infraBIM Requirement (YIV2015) standards, infraBIM classification system, and Inframodel Data exchange based on LandXLM standards for exchange infrastructure information.
To understand the roles of construction site expertise’s and how the utilize open infra BIM and automation, and what challenges it may come.
Manage scheduling and outcomes of Speedway construction site information.